SASA’s Got Talent

06 December 2019 /

By Maya Brown ’22

On Saturday, November 9 , the South Asian Student Association held its 48th annual dinner at Larrison Dining Hall at 5pm. The theme is “SASA’s Got Talent”, which featured great food and student performances from many such as the  Nepali Boyz and Bisonettes. 

This cultural event brought an intensely beautiful wave of Southasian culture to Bucknell’s campus through traditional dance and an incentive to get the audience on the stage as well. As someone who also performed at this event, I also know how much time and practice was dedicated to making sure the event ran smoothly. The audience grew larger as we got to the 5pm starting time and tickets became sold out within ten minutes of the club even opening up the doors. As tables were called to get food, people ran to the serving area to get a taste of authentic Southasian food. Food and drinks included rice, chicken, spinach, and lassi (yogurt-based drink from India), leaving many with well-met expectations.

Overall, the event was very successful and gave Southasian students an important opportunity to showcase their culture to their peers. The next SASA dinner is expected to be held around the same time next year.

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